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Bridge the Gap with Dental Bridges from Hill Avenue Dental

March 24, 2015

180413013If you have a damaged or missing tooth, then you know the consequences are anything but pleasant. Of course, there’s the concern about the appearance of your smile, but beyond that you also may not be able to speak clearly or eat the foods that are part of a nutritious diet, such as raw fruits and vegetables. If you are contending with any of these difficulties, then consider getting a dental bridge from Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI.

In addition to the troubles named above, missing teeth can also bring about a change in your bite, cause other teeth to shift out of place, bring on symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), and increase the risk for periodontal disease and tooth decay.

Dental Bridges in Superior, WI

A bridge is a dental prosthetic that fills the space left by one to three missing teeth. This bridge is held securely in place by dental crowns, which are adhesively bonded to the teeth that are on either side of the missing teeth. In turn, these crowns support the pontic, or false tooth or teeth that replace your damaged or missing teeth.

If you are a candidate for a dental bridge, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III will first need to prep the teeth that support the bridge. If these teeth are decayed or worn down, we may need to restore them before they can be outfitted for crowns.

Next, we’ll take impressions of your teeth in order to create model that will be used to design a bridge that fits perfectly across the gap and matches your bite. A perfect fit is critical in order to avoid any dental health problems down the road. While your bridge is fabricated in our trustworthy dental lab, you’ll wear a temporary bridge so the teeth and gums are protected from damage. When the permanent bridge is ready, simply return to Hill Avenue Dental for one more visit when we’ll fit and cement the bridge in to place.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you would like to determine whether or not a dental bridge is the right choice to mend your smile, then call Hill Avenue Dental today for a consultation. We serve patients in Superior, WI, as well as from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

Perfect Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers from Hill Avenue Dental

March 10, 2015

92589293When you see someone with what you consider to be a perfect smile, do you think to yourself, “I wish my teeth could look like that”? Well, they can. Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic dentistry treatment that conceal the flaws in your own smile and give you a new and beautiful smile. At Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, we recreate smiles with porcelain veneers for people who want to turn their wishes into reality.

Porcelain Veneers are ultra-thin sheaths of dental porcelain or ceramic that are designed to hide a number of smile imperfections including:

  • Stained and discolored teeth that have not responded to teeth whitening
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Teeth that are misshaped, incorrectly sized, or have an otherwise abnormal appearance
  • Teeth that have irregular gaps between them

If any of these or another cosmetic flaw is marring your smile, then you should speak to Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III about the possibility of porcelain veneers to repair your smile.

Porcelain Veneers in Superior, WI

The first step toward your new smile is a consultation with one of the dentists at Hill Avenue Dental to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for porcelain veneers. If your overall oral health checks out, then we will begin. We’ll record the size, shape, and general coloring of your teeth. This way, we can closely match your veneers to your existing teeth. If you’ve ever considered having your teeth whitened, then you’ll want to do that before you get fitted for porcelain veneers. Veneers do not respond to bleaching and they won’t age and darken like authentic enamel either.

Once your veneers have been fabricated in our dental lab, Dr. Clark or Dr. Clark will adhesively bond them to the facial surface of your front teeth and you’ll have the smile you’ve always wished for.

Call Our Office Today

If you would like to learn more about porcelain veneers, schedule a consultation at Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI. We also serve patients from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.