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  • Mon – Thurs: 7:30am - 4:30pm
  • Friday: 8:00am - 1:00pm

Proud Member of The Superior - Douglas County Area Chamber of Commerce

5 Reasons To Schedule The Root Canal You’ve Been Putting Off

January 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 3:53 pm

dental mirror laying on a calendar Has it been longer than you would like to admit since your dentist told you to schedule root canal therapy? Although this treatment has a notorious reputation for being painful, with the latest dental technology, it actually isn’t. However, leaving your oral health problem to get worse may cause you to need a more invasive and costly procedure down the road. Read on for five reasons to pick up the phone today and get your dental health back on track. (more…)

4 New Year’s Health Resolutions From a Dentist

January 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 8:51 pm

new year's resolution listMost people make new year’s health resolutions in an attempt to have more energy, be happier, and care for their mental and physical wellbeing. Breaking old habits and implementing new ones can be difficult, but with motivation and a great support system, you can focus on caring for your body and mind in 2020.  A great first goal to set that many people don’t consider is keeping up with your dental health, because your mouth is more connected to the rest of your body than you may think. Read on for four new year’s commitments that are attainable and healthy. (more…)