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Flavors and False Teeth: How Dentures Can Affect Your Sense of Taste

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 10:19 pm
Man smiles at picnic table

While dentures can be a fantastic way to restore a smile after tooth loss, these appliances can often affect the way patients taste food. The sense of taste plays a significant role in determining if food is safe to swallow as well as the joy of living, making many denture patients quite interested in finding ways to address this issue. Here’s how dentures can affect your sense of taste along with a few ways for patients to improve this important sense.


How Do Dentures Affect Nutrition?

May 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 10:51 pm
Someone eating an apple

If you’re missing most or all of your teeth, dentures are one of the most common ways to replace them. They’re cost-effective, easy to maintain, and offer a level of realism that can completely restore any confidence you lost along with your teeth.

However, you might have heard that eating with dentures can be a little bit difficult. You may therefore wonder whether your new prosthetic could impact your overall nutrition. Here’s what you should know about this issue and how you can address it.
