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Mouthguards for Athletes and Others in Superior, WI

April 25, 2015

77295850Every sport has its uniform essentials. Football players wear helmets and shoulder pads. In hockey—a Wisconsin favorite—players also wear heavy padding as well as a helmet and in the case of the goalie, a face mask, too. Tennis stars wear tennis whites. The list goes on and on. But there is one piece of equipment that every player should wear regardless of the sport and regardless of whether they play professional or amateur. A mouthguard is essential for protecting your teeth, gums, lips and tongue during any kind of athletic activity. At Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III will prescribe a custom-fitted mouthguard for you or any member of your family who is actively involved in sports.

Every year, more than five million teeth are lost because of sports injuries. With a mouthguard, you can prevent one of those teeth from being yours. But avoiding tooth loss is only the beginning of the advantages that wearing a mouthguard offers. The risk of other serious injuries—such as lacerations to the tongue, lips and gums—are greatly reduced. Moreover, wearing a mouthguard has been shown to reduce the risk of concussion that might otherwise result from a hard blow to the head, face or jaw. Essentially, a mouthguard acts like a shock absorber between your upper and lower jaw, thereby helping to not only prevent concussions, but neck injuries, too.

Mouthguards: The Psychological and Economic Benefits

When playing competitive sports, athletes want every psychological advantage they can get. Research indicates that when they are wearing proper protection, including a mouthguard, they feel more confident and are likely to play more aggressively. Furthermore, wearing a mouthguard offers a tremendous economic advantage; replacing a tooth lost due to a sports injury can cost 20 times more than the cost of a custom-fitted mouthguard.

Call Our Office Today

No matter what your sport is, call Hill Avenue Dental to schedule your appointment for a custom-fitted mouthguard. We serve patients in Superior, WI, as well as from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

Oral Cancer Screening at Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI

April 10, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-511776085According to the American Dental Association, some 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. The five-year survival rate for those who are told that they have oral cancer is slightly more than 64 percent. Fortunately, there is something you can do to avoid the ravages of this disease: have an oral cancer screening. The Oral Cancer Foundation has designated April as Oral Cancer Awareness Month, so there’s no better time than now to come to Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, for an oral cancer screening.

During each of your biannual dental checkups, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III will visually examine your entire oral cavity from the tip of your tongue to the back of your throat for the early signs of oral cancer. These include:

  • A sore or ulcer that does not heal within two to three weeks
  • A red, white or even blackish colored patch
  • A swelling or lump that is in the tissue or raised above the tissue
  • An area in the mouth or on the lips that feels numb
  • A spot that bleeds when touched
  • A persistent sore throat, raspy voice or cough
  • Painful swallowing
  • A long-lasting earache with no sign of infection

Preventing Oral Cancer

When you come to Hill Avenue Dental for your regularly scheduled dental checkup, our dentists will conduct an oral cancer screening and talk to you about your health history to determine if you are at greater risk. Research has shown that a number of factors contribute to the development of oral cancer. People who smoke or drink excessive amounts of alcohol, especially those who are older than 50 years old, are at greater risk. Additionally, the human papilloma virus (HPV) has been connected to oral cancer.  In non-smoking adults, HPV may be related to the growing number of throat cancers.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Call the office of Hill Avenue Dental to schedule your dental checkup and oral cancer screening. The saying is cliché, but the life you save may be your own. We serve patients in Superior, WI, as well as from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

Bridge the Gap with Dental Bridges from Hill Avenue Dental

March 24, 2015

180413013If you have a damaged or missing tooth, then you know the consequences are anything but pleasant. Of course, there’s the concern about the appearance of your smile, but beyond that you also may not be able to speak clearly or eat the foods that are part of a nutritious diet, such as raw fruits and vegetables. If you are contending with any of these difficulties, then consider getting a dental bridge from Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI.

In addition to the troubles named above, missing teeth can also bring about a change in your bite, cause other teeth to shift out of place, bring on symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), and increase the risk for periodontal disease and tooth decay.

Dental Bridges in Superior, WI

A bridge is a dental prosthetic that fills the space left by one to three missing teeth. This bridge is held securely in place by dental crowns, which are adhesively bonded to the teeth that are on either side of the missing teeth. In turn, these crowns support the pontic, or false tooth or teeth that replace your damaged or missing teeth.

If you are a candidate for a dental bridge, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III will first need to prep the teeth that support the bridge. If these teeth are decayed or worn down, we may need to restore them before they can be outfitted for crowns.

Next, we’ll take impressions of your teeth in order to create model that will be used to design a bridge that fits perfectly across the gap and matches your bite. A perfect fit is critical in order to avoid any dental health problems down the road. While your bridge is fabricated in our trustworthy dental lab, you’ll wear a temporary bridge so the teeth and gums are protected from damage. When the permanent bridge is ready, simply return to Hill Avenue Dental for one more visit when we’ll fit and cement the bridge in to place.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you would like to determine whether or not a dental bridge is the right choice to mend your smile, then call Hill Avenue Dental today for a consultation. We serve patients in Superior, WI, as well as from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

CEREC One-Visit Crowns for Patients in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota

February 25, 2015

78768689Accidents don’t make appointments that’s for sure, because they always seem to happen at the worst possible time. If the accident you’re dealing with happens to be a fractured or otherwise damaged tooth, you may not have the time to sit through several appointments. Fortunately, Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, offers CEREC One-Visit Crowns, so your tooth can be repaired and you can be on your way in as little time as possible.

When you have a tooth that is cracked or severely decayed, the interior of the tooth—known as the pulp—becomes exposed to the bacteria in your mouth. It doesn’t take long for this bacteria to settle in and cause infection. To prevent this from happening, it becomes imperative to repair the tooth in order avoid further damage or even loss of the tooth.

With CEREC, which stands for Chairside Economic Restorations of Esthetic Ceramics, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III can place a crown in a single appointment. The CEREC equipment includes a digital infrared camera that takes an optical impression of your damaged tooth, 3-D CAD software that designs the crown, and a milling unit that fabricates the restoration.

The digital impression is entered into the CEREC computer. The system then makes a virtual model of your tooth, including shape, size, surface grooves and color. The design is wirelessly transmitted to our milling unit, which creates your porcelain or composite crown in as little as 20 minutes.

Once the crown is finished and inspected by the dentist, it is checked for fit and then cemented into place.

Call Our Office Today

If you have a tooth that needs a crown, call Hill Avenue Dental and ask about CEREC One-Visit Crowns. We serve patients in Superior, WI, as well as Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

Hill Avenue Dental is the Restorative Dentist You Need for Damaged or Missing Teeth

January 25, 2015

134124545If you are contending with teeth that are damaged, or even some teeth that are missing, then you know that none of the consequences are good ones. The activities you used to take for granted—eating, speaking and smiling—are suddenly difficult. To say nothing of the consequences to your self-esteem. Fortunately, there is a restorative dentist in Superior, WI, that can help. Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. and Dr. Doug Clark III at Hill Avenue Dental are highly trained and experienced in a number of restorative dentistry procedures that will revive your smile and you!

CEREC One-Visit Crowns

When a tooth is damaged because of severe decay or a deep fracture, the need for repair is immediate, not only for the sake of your smile, but to protect the remaining tooth, as well. Nothing is more immediate than a CEREC one-visit crown. Our CEREC, or Chairside Economic Restorations of Esthetic Ceramics, machine allows us to fit, create, and place your crown in just a single appointment. Made of porcelain, a CEREC crown gives you the natural appearance you want.

Root Canal Therapy

For a tooth that is causing you pain and discomfort because of an infection inside the tooth, Dr. Clark or Dr. Clark will perform root canal therapy. During this pain free procedure, the infected soft tissue and any accompanying debris is removed and the canals are filled with a biocompatible material. The remaining tooth structure is then fitted with a crown for protection.

Dental Implants and Fixed Bridges

If you are missing one or more teeth, then our dentists will likely recommend either a dental implant or fixed bridge to replace those teeth. A dental implant is comprised of a titanium post that is surgically implanted in the bone beneath the open socket of your missing tooth, and the abutment and crown that are attached to the post. As such, an implant closely mimics a real tooth with a root and crown.

A fixed bridge is another tooth replacement option. This, as the name implies, bridges the gap over missing teeth. The teeth on either side of the gap are usually fitted with crowns in order to anchor the false tooth that fills the gap.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Don’t put up with damaged or missing teeth. Call Hill Avenue Dental for the restorative dentist Superior, WI, trusts. We also conveniently serve patients from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

Make Hill Avenue Dental Your Cosmetic Dentist for the Smile of Your Dreams

January 10, 2015

100047604The New Year has recently begun, so it’s not too late to make one more resolution: Smile more. If the smile you have is not the smile you want, however, then you’ll need to do something about that. Fortunately, there are a number of cosmetic dentistry procedures to help. And Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, is the cosmetic dentist more people in the area turn to give them the smiles they want.

Teeth Whitening

Perhaps you’d like your smile to be a bit whiter and brighter. Then, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III will likely recommend whitening with Philips Zoom DayWhite and NiteWhite. Both of these products can whiten your teeth at home in as few as seven days, and they offer enamel protection as they reduce tooth sensitivity.

Natural Colored Fillings

If you have dark, metal fillings, then we can replace those with fillings made of porcelain or composite resin. These types of fillings not only match the color of your teeth, they tend to be stronger than amalgam fillings and don’t contain any metal, which can be a health hazard.

Cosmetic Bonding

A favorite procedure of the patient and cosmetic dentist alike is cosmetic bonding. If you have teeth that are chipped or slightly cracked, then our dentists can use cosmetic bonding to make them look like new. With cosmetic bonding, a composite resin material is applied to the marred tooth and then hardened with a curing light. Dr. Clark or Dr. Clark will then trim and shape the material so that it blends seamlessly with your other teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are designed to conceal chipped, cracked, stained or somewhat crooked teeth. These dental wonders are composed of layer upon ultra-thin layer of dental porcelain or composite resin and are cemented to the front of your teeth to create a beautiful new smile. Of course, your veneers are color matched to your other teeth, and they are lustrous and reflect light much the same as natural teeth.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’re ready to show the world a new smile, then call the office of Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, today. We also conveniently serve patients from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

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