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Common Oral Health Issues

March 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 2:24 am
adult at the dentist

When it comes to caring for your smile, there is a lot to consider. Keeping your mouth healthy goes beyond just having white teeth. Oral health problems are prevalent among both adults and children, but some are more common than others. So, keep reading to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to maintain a bright and healthy smile for years to come.


Sham-Rock Your Smile: Dental Care Tips for a Happy St. Patrick’s Day

February 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 6:04 pm
Group celebrating St. Partick’s Day after good dental care

What makes a great St. Patrick’s Day? Is it the raucous festivities, the celebration of culture, or perhaps a pint or two of Irish cheer? However you celebrate, it’s important to take care of your teeth and keep them shining like a pot o’ gold. If you plan to take advantage of the festivities, here are some helpful dental care tips to keep your smile sham-rocking all night.


The Battle Against Bone Loss: Dentures vs. Dental Implants

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 6:44 pm
Patient talking to their dentist about dental implants

The dental technology of today is amazing and caters to many different needs. When considering a tooth replacement option, one of the biggest factors to ponder is its impact on bone health. Dentures and dental implants are two common solutions, each with its own set of benefits and considerations.

If you’re caught between these choices, it may benefit you to learn more about bone loss and how each treatment can help. Read on for an analysis of both treatment methods so you can make an informed decision!


What Causes Receding Gums?

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 10:56 pm
Lady shows off gums

Many people may be surprised to find that their gumlines have pulled away from their teeth when they look in the mirror. A receding gumline is a common oral health issue, and it can have the unfortunate effect of making the teeth more sensitive and vulnerable to infection. Fortunately, this can be prevented with good oral hygiene and regular dental visits. Here are a few things that can cause gum recession and what you can do about it.


Here’s Why Dental Implant Surgery Isn’t Scary

December 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 11:49 pm
Smiling dentist

Dental implants are the best form of tooth replacement currently available because they function and look just like real teeth. While traditional tooth restorations such as dentures and dental bridges have difficulty chewing chewy or crunchy items, dental implants can handle foods of all textures because they are surgically placed directly into the jawbone. While many people are understandably apprehensive about receiving surgery, dental implant placement procedures are nothing to fear. Here’s why getting dental implants is perfectly safe and a wise investment.


Are Sugar Substitutes Better for My Teeth Than Real Sugar?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 10:32 pm

Excessive sugar consumption is widely known to cause a plethora of health concerns such as tooth decay, weight gain, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes, but it can be incredibly hard to cut out the sweet stuff completely after you’ve become used to it. Many companies have produced alternative sweeteners such as aspartame, stevia, and saccharin to help people enjoy a sweet treat without all the calories. Here’s what you should know about how artificial sweeteners can affect your oral health.


How Long Does It Take To Get Dentures?

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 3:52 pm

Close up of woman’s hands holding a dentureIf you’re ready to enjoy a complete, beautiful smile again after suffering extensive tooth loss, dentures are the solution for you. Thanks to advancements in technologies and materials, they look and feel more realistic than ever before. However, rebuilding your smile won’t happen overnight. Every situation differs, but here’s how long you can expect it to take to get your new set of teeth. 


Questions to Ask Your Dentist During Your Next Checkup

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 3:25 am

Female patient having a dental cleaningRoutine cleanings and checkups are equally important as brushing and flossing. The American Dental Association recommends a preventive appointment every 6 months to keep your mouth healthy. Your dentist will learn a lot about you and your dental health. However, it is also your opportunity to get to know your smile. Here are a few questions to ask your dentist to discover more about your oral health.


Why Should You Replace Metal Fillings?

October 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 7:43 pm

Molar treated with a tooth-colored fillingAmalgam fillings have been used for generations because of their versatility and durability. Although metal fillings have been the go-to solution for decades, a study published in 2016 encourages people to replace them with composite. According to the study, participants with amalgam restorations could be at risk of high levels of mercury in their blood. While they are supported by the FDA, here are the top reasons you should switch to tooth-colored fillings


Reasons to Be Thankful for Dental Implants

October 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 3:23 pm

Smiling older woman pointing to her teethIt’s the season of thankfulness as you show gratitude for all the good things in your life. Besides your health and wellness, you have another reason to be grateful this year. You have invested in a dental implant! Here are just a few reasons to give your new smile a little appreciation.


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