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Why Porcelain Veneers in Superior Won’t Stain Like Natural Teeth

July 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 5:56 pm

A woman pointing at her smile.Over the years, you’ve gotten really tired of seeing your discolored teeth in the mirror every morning. However, no matter how much you brush, your stubborn stains never seem to come out! You’ve tried multiple whitening toothpastes and whitening strips. You’ve even tried professional teeth whitening treatments, but nothing makes your smile shine like it used to.

Luckily, your dentist has a solution he thinks you’re going to love. When you visit him, you can get porcelain veneers in Superior. Learn how you can revitalize your smile, without the worry of staining!

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin sheaths of ceramic material designed to sit on the surface of teeth. Each veneer is intended to make your smile look perfect, while still matching the size, shape, and color of your existing teeth. This way, they still look natural and don’t create the appearance of “chicklet teeth.”

Patients who have the following issues can benefit from porcelain veneers:

  • Chips, cracks, or other cosmetic imperfections that don’t affect your oral health
  • Permanent discoloration caused by medication or aging
  • Malformed teeth which make your smile look disproportional
  • Small gaps between teeth without the use of orthodontic intervention

Why Don’t They Stain Like Natural Teeth?

People often ask your dentist why porcelain is the material of choice for veneers. Turns out, porcelain is quite a resilient substance, especially when used in dentistry. It’s incredibly sturdy, making it ideal for the constant wear and tear of chewing all your favorite foods.

Additionally, porcelain is naturally stain-resistant, making it ideal for patients trying to cover stubborn stains. Tooth enamel is very porous, meaning it contains many crevices and cracks for liquids to seep into. If the food you’re eating can stain clothing, chances are it will stain your teeth as well.

Unlike enamel, porcelain is very smooth, making it much more difficult for foods to adhere to. Dentists also like to apply resin to enamel for an additional layer of protection.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Since porcelain won’t age or darken like natural teeth, you can expect to get many years of use out of them before needing replacement. Their life truly depends on how well and how often you practice oral care. You’ll still need to brush twice a day and floss daily to remove surface stains. You’ll also need to avoid foods and habits that can chip or damage your veneers.

On average, porcelain veneers typically last 10 to 15 years. Of course, there’s always the potential for them to last longer when you have a good diet and consistent oral care habits.

Have more questions about the amazing properties of porcelain or veneers? Schedule a consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Superior to get started transforming your smile!

About the Author

Dr. Doug Clark Jr. earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the Marquette University School of Dentistry. He’s also a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, which helps him stay updated on the latest techniques and technologies to help patients improve their smile’s appearance. To learn more about his practice, contact him through his website.

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