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Sports & Grinding Mouthguards – Superior, WI

Protecting Teeth From Grinding & Impact

children playing soccer in the park together while wearing mouthguards

Whether your child participates in sports or has a habit of grinding their teeth in their sleep, not having protection can have a severe impact on their developing smile and put their oral health in harm’s way. That’s why, at Hill Avenue Dental, we offer customized mouthguards to help cushion their jawbone and protect their pearly whites from becoming worn-down and at-risk for cavities. We use durable and strong materials that can last for years and make sure that your little one’s smile stays protected while they’re sleeping or on the field.

Why Get A Mouthguard From a Dentist?

children smiling while playing in the park

Some parents wonder why they should invest in getting a mouthguard from their dentist instead of a one-size-fits-all one from their local pharmacy or department store. Although these may have the lowest cost, they’re not uniquely crafted to fit your child’s growing smile. They also aren’t made from the same high-quality materials, which could still leave your child at risk of damaging their teeth, jaw, or facial muscles.

Children who play sports typically have a hard time breathing with a generic mouthguard in as well, not only creating a serious hazard, but also affecting their overall performance. With a customized guard, they won’t have to deal with these issues because they’re made to comfortably fit their unique dental structure without obstructing their breathing.

How Are Custom Mouthguards Made?

child holding a teeth grinding mouthguard

After we take an impression of your child’s mouth to make a mold, we’ll send it off to our dental laboratory to custom make their guard. One great advantages of visiting your dentist in Superior is that we’re able to craft them for children who have braces as well, so they fit more comfortably while also protecting their oral appliance. When we receive the guard, we’ll call you and your child in to make sure it fits properly and show them how to maintain it.


Maintaining Your Child’s Mouthguard

child putting in a sportsguard before a game

Without the proper daily care and maintenance, your child’s mouthguard could collect bacteria, plaque, and other harmful substances and put them at risk of becoming ill or developing oral health problems. It’s important that your child follow these instructions to keep their new guard sanitized:

If you have any questions or concerns about taking care of your child’s guard down the road, don’t hesitate to contact our office to ask our friendly staff.